Passing Profile: Amy Parmenter
Name: Amy
Nickname: Parmy
Fill in the blank: If i had a dollar for every time _____________ i'd be rich: I forgot my phone
Which meal of the day is your favourite? Breakfast
How would you describe your taste in music? Mixed but chill mostly
What do you pretend to hate but really love? Married at First Sight
Weirdest injury you have ever had? Where do I start… I got a fork stuck in my head
Favourite birthday cake? Tiramisu or Bread and Butter Pudding
If you could live in any fictional city/setting, where would it be? Genovia
Favourite exercise in the gym? Squats
Least favourite exercise in the gym? Ski Erg
Are you a hoarder or a de-clutterer? Hoarder
Favourite toastie combo? Anything with tomato relish
What is the first thing you do of a morning? Norman cuddles
What is the last thing you do of a night? D&M with housemates
If the GIANTS were a band, what role/instrument would you play? Piano
What is your most hated household chore? Taking the bins out
What's your go-to character in Mario Kart? Mario
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your sandcastle making skills? Mm not high… I don’t love sand
Favourite meal to have post-game? Sushi train or Out of the Blue burgers
Describe your cooking style? Minimalist
Most famous person in your phone? Jo Harten
What's your go-to smoothie? Banana
Describe your fashion sense? Mostly active wear or jeans
What's one chocolate that doesn't belong in a box of Cadbury Favourites? Turkish delight
What's your greatest strength in a puzzle book? Sudoku