Netty Nine: Kiera Austin
Nine netty questions to help get to know Kiera Austin

Nine netty questions to help get to know Kiera Austin
1. At what age did you start playing netball? And how did you become involved?
I was six, I wanted to do what my older sister was doing!
2. What was the first position you started playing? If that's not the position you play now, how and when did that change come about?
I started out as C/WA and changed when I was 15 because I was too tall and lazy to be a centre.
3. What has been the hardest part of your netball career to date?
Probably non-selection in teams and doing time on the bench. You know that you’re good enough but timing is everything as well as being patience. Good things come to those that wait!
4. What is your go to activity when you need to switch off from netball?
Either doing university work or something crafty. I’m trying to get more into sewing and making time for a hobby.
5. Who has been the most influential person on your career to date?
My family - Dad, Mum, Sister and two Uncles. They’re not a coach or player but they are the ones that have the biggest belief in me and are a constant reminder why I love to play the sport.
6. What's a key message you would tell your younger self in regards to netball?
Trust your instincts and be patient.
7. What impact has netball had your life?
I’ve met the most incredible people - people who are determined to achieve something great and others who have had the strength to overcome such huge hardships. It keeps me grounded and makes me realise how lucky I am to do what I do.
8. What is your greatest/proudest netball achievement?
Probably being asked to join the Quad Series in January 2019 - didn’t expect it, didn’t play either but got a taste of what it feels like to warm up on an international court and made me so determined to make playing on an international court a reality.
This was completed prior to Kiera making her Australian Diamonds Debut.
9. What is the most memorable piece of advice you have received? Or most memorable quote that inspires you to train/play a certain way?
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The quote my dad would always send me before a big game, sums up my playing style and reminds me I’m capable of anything I put my mind too!