Netty Nine: Maddie Hay
Nine netty questions to help get to know Maddie Hay

Nine netty questions to help get to know Maddie Hay
1. At what age did you start playing netball? And how did you become involved?
I was seven. My mum and sister both played, so I was watching from the sidelines for as long as I can remember and was absolutely desperate to have a go myself.
2. What was the first position you started playing? If that's not the position you play now, how and when did that change come about?
I started mostly in WD/GD when I was younger but depending on which team I also played quite a bit of C. Only recently did I also start playing WA. I guess I just try and take any position that is somewhat available ;)
3. What has been the hardest part of your netball career to date?
I’ve had so many non-selections and they are always hard. I would probably say there was a time when I was about 21 where I thought I might give it up after the season. Luckily, I made a few changes and started enjoying netball again before the end of that season.
4. What is your go to activity when you need to switch off from netball?
Spending time with my school friends is always good for a mental refresh, as well as Tik Tok.
5. Who has been the most influential person (player or coach) on your career to date?
I’ve had many amazing coaches who’ve helped me greatly but there was one when I played club netball at 14 and 15 who really changed the way I played. Her influence on my game led me to be selected into some amazing teams that got me to where I am now!
6. What's a key message you would tell your younger self in regards to netball?
Work really hard at trying to beat Liverpool at state age. You will have to play with Kristiana for many years afterwards and you will need those bragging rights.
7. What impact has netball had your life?
Not sure if netball made me over competitive or I’ve come this far because I’m over competitive, but it makes casual board games and beach games quite interesting.
8. What is your greatest/proudest netball achievement?
Winning U'21s nationals for NSW.
9. What is the most memorable piece of advice you have received? Or most memorable quote that inspires you to train/play a certain way?
I’m not someone who loves inspirational quotes but I do love the book “The Resilience Project” which encourages you to be grateful for something everyday. That is now an attitude I try to have with my netball. Especially because I know how fleeting this time can be!