Netty Nine: Sam Poolman
Nine netty questions to help get to know Sam Poolman

Nine netty questions to help get to know Sam Poolman
1. At what age did you start playing netball? And how did you become involved?
Aged seven - Mum registered me to play at our local club where one of my brothers played league.
2. What was the first position you started playing? If that's not the position you play now, how and when did that change come about?
GD, always a defender. I do wish l had the opportunity to learn and develop other positions when l was younger but do love the defence end. I now encourage coaches to give opportunities to their players while they're younger.
3. What has been the hardest part of your netball career to date?
Being a regional athlete with the distance and commitment involved, not only by myself but my entire family. It was a tough but important part of my pathway to elite netball. The financial commitment, travel time, organisation involved and life balance was the challenge but one I'm proud of and hope inspires all regional athletes.
4. What is your go to activity when you need to switch off from netball?
Spending time with my family back in my hometown, Newcastle.
5. Who has been the most influential person (player or coach) on your career to date?
Jon Fletcher played a key role in my progress through the Netball NSW pathway. Always challenged me, taught me what intensity meant and while had very high expectations certainly gave you all the confidence l needed. He consistently challenged me on how l would think and making sure l learnt in every opportunity. He created some strong foundations with expectations and learnings around the importance of team values and culture. Key lessons l now deliver within in my Aspire programs and athletes l mentor.
6. What's a key message you would tell your younger self in regards to netball?
Keep working hard and enjoying what you do, the rewards will come and it is worth it.
7. What impact has netball had your life?
Netball has certainly had a positive impact on my life. Creating so many wonderful friendships and memories. A place l felt a sense of belonging and continually grow and be challenged.
8. What is your greatest/proudest netball achievement?
2013 Premiership with the Adelaide Thunderbirds in my first season and also being a part of the foundation of GIANTS Netball.
9. What is the most memorable piece of advice you have received? Or most memorable quote that inspires you to train/play a certain way?
Do your job! My 15U NSW Coach, Jo Macdermid, taught us we needed to do our job, if everyone in the team did their job we would be onto a winner. We went on to win a national title after being seven down against VIC in a grand final match (clearly went back to doing our "jobs" in the 4th quarter). Still sticks with me today - l can control my job, knowing what that is, practicing at training and delivering on court. I take care of my opponent and do my job for the team. Going away from this, often you try too hard and don't have as much impact.