Netty Nine: Tilly McDonell
Nine netty questions to help get to know Tilly McDonell

Nine netty questions to help get to know Tilly McDonell
1. At what age did you start playing netball? And how did you become involved?
I was eight, playing for the Londonderry Netball Club in the Hawkesbury Netball Association.
2. What was the first position you started playing?
3. What has been the hardest part of your netball career to date?
I am a big believer in the fact that the hard parts of your life only make you stronger. It sounds juvenile, but the hardest part of my career to date was non-selection in the U/17's Australian Squad for two years in a row. Seeing all of the NSW starting 7 selected each year except for me was a massive kick in the guts. However, it was also the best thing that could have ever happened to me netball wise. It was a kick in the guts, but also a kick up the backside and I worked ridiculously hard in the off-season to better myself in every way. Hard work truly does pay off because that following year I made starting seven for ANL, U/19's Australian Squad and got contracted with the GIANTS.
4. What is your go to activity when you need to switch off from netball?
Swimming in the ocean, sun, university, reading, spending time with friends.
5. Who has been the most influential person (player or coach) on your career to date?
Kim Green, Julie Fitzgerald and Leanne Leach
6. What's a key message you would tell your younger self in regards to netball?
Have fun and preparation is key.
7. What impact has netball had your life?
Netball has hugely enriched my life. It's given me purpose, some of my best friends, as well as countless opportunities on and off the court. I am so grateful that I get to wake up and do my passion as a means of employment each day, whilst being able to study my other passion, law.
8. What is your greatest/proudest netball achievement?
Signing with the GIANTS for the third year.
9. What is the most memorable piece of advice you have received? Or most memorable quote that inspires you to train/play a certain way?
Hustle and heart will set you apart