Passing Profile: Amy Parmenter
Get to know GIANT #15

Get to know GIANT #15
Name: Amy Parmenter
Nickname: Parmy
Favourite holiday destination: Killcare or Point Plomer
What's your lucky number: 15 and 1
Favourite social media platform: Instagram
Dream job as kid: Policewoman
Favourite place to shop: Second Hand Markets with my sisters
Most memorable fan moment/interaction: Parmy with Parmy was so much fun!
If you could play a Super Netball game anywhere in the world where it would be: In England so my mum's side of the family could come and watch.
Tiktok - yay or nay? Nay unless its really funny
If you could have any player, past or present, join the team who would it be and why? Casey Kopua because she did this awesome session with us when we went to NZ in preseason and everyone had such amazing things to say about her!
What sports did you play as a kid: Everything I could... lots of swimming, athletics, touch footy
Favourite animal: Sharks and Staffys
What animal scares you the most: Spiders but not as much anymore
Proudest achievement outside of netball: Selling 1000 Tie Dye T-shirts with Molly last year for the Sydney Children's Hospital
Favourite game you've played at a kids birthday party: Making necklaces out of all sorts of 'O' shaped food or Piñata
Do you have any game day superstitions, if so what are they: Not really. If its a really important game or I'm feeling nervous i'll paint my toenails orange.
If you could be the voice of a cartoon character who would you be and why? I would be Jewel from Rio because then I would be Anne Hathaway and that would be very cool
What is the most memorable game of netball you've been a part of: The U19's Nationals Grand Final in 2015. We won against Victoria in overtime and it was such a good game and an awesome crowd.
Most memorable quote or comment (good or bad) that a coach or commentator has said about you: When I was playing in NZ for the Superclub challenge in 2018, the commentators kept saying "Parmenter the tormentor"... they also kept saying "Parmenter on the Deck again" in their Kiwi accents which my family thought was very funny.
You can eat whatever you want, what's your ideal menu for the day: Eggs and Avo on Toast for breaky at Salinas, Sushi on Stanley in Darlinghurst or a burger from Out of the Blue in Clovelly for Lunch Dinner either... my dads Coconut Salmon or Sokyo at the Star is the best dinner i have ever had! I dream about that sashimi.
Favourite restaurant or cafe in Sydney: Salinas in Bronte
Favourite movie: Probably She's the Man
If you could go on a reality TV show which one would you choose: Survivor