Staying fit at home, with Jamie-Lee Price

As Suncorp Super Netball players adapt to life in isolation until we get past Covid-19, GIANTS and Australian Diamonds midcourter Jamie-Lee Price took five to give us an insight into her daily routine.
How do you like to keep active at home?
Of late, I’ve really been enjoying going for walks. Kicking the ball around with my family. Doing home workouts/circuits. I think in this time of isolation it’s really important try and stay active and do something different while we have the opportunity.
I am also loving the NETFIT workouts! I have been fortunate enough to be involved in them and it’s been heaps of fun.
Three tips to getting active from home?
- Getting your family involved
- You don’t need any equipment, just use what you have at home! Even if it’s just using your own body weight.
- Try your best to get into a routine of doing it as soon as you wake up! So you feel good at the start of the day.
Favourite healthy meal to cook?
A good old basic homemade sandwich full of fresh meat and salad!
What’s your day on a plate look like?
- Brekky - porridge with honey and peaches OR bacon and eggs
- Lunch - yummy salads!
- Dinner - been having Hello Fresh! and absolutely loving it!
- Snacks - popcorn, cruskits w/avo, ham, cheese and tomato, fruit, carrot and dips
Top five work out songs:
I don’t have a top five at the moment! But I really loving my Soundcloud so anything with good mixes of music that are upbeat and which motivate you to move!